Category: Research

New 3D live hologram technology to save lives in field hospitals

3D holograms from your phone, television, or favourite droid have been promised for decades but despite being of great interest, have yet to materialize. The applications for them are far-reaching, pa [...]


New characterization methods developed to identify light elements

In research published today in Nano Letters, physicists have delivered an unexpected boost for researchers with a new technique for 3D nanoscale elemental analysis for ion-electron microscope systems [...]


TMOS researchers’ paper on GaN nanowires featured as ACS Editors’ Choice

Researchers at the ANU node of TMOS have had their recent paper “Selective area growth of GaN nanowire: partial pressures and temperature as the key growth parameters” selected as the ACS Editors [...]


Spooky but tiny: grating boosts nanostructured quantum light source

A key element for future quantum technology is a step closer with the unveiling of a tiny quantum light source, less than one hundredth the diameter of a hair thick. [...]


A smartphone could spell the end for malaria and other infectious diseases

Scientists are about to turn your smartphone into a tool that can diagnose diseases such as malaria, making mobile medical diagnostics affordable and accessible to remote areas such as third world cou [...]


TMOS Chief Investigator Jagadish announced as the next President of the Australian Academy of Science

TMOS Chief Investigator and Australian National University Distinguished Professor Chennupati Jagadish will become the next President of the Australian Academy of Science (AAS). He is the first Aus [...]


Australian research helping self-driving cars get on the road

Researchers from the Australian National University and TMOS, an Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence, have developed a highly sensitive self-powered single photon detector that could be u [...]


Phobia of needles? New research could spell the end for blood testing.

Researchers from the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) and TMOS, an Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence, have made new progress towards the development of mid-infrared nanophotonics, [...]


Generating entangled photons with nonlinear metasurfaces

 A new method for generating quantum-entangled photon pairs employs nonlinear metasurfaces to enhance and tailor photon emissions—an important step towards creating miniaturized quantum devices for [...]


Can a piece of scotch tape stop computer hackers in their tracks? New steps toward quantum communications says ‘yes’.

Researchers from the University of Technology Sydney and TMOS, an Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence, have taken the fight to online hackers with a giant leap towards realizing affordabl [...]
