
Victoria Coleman

Victoria A. Coleman currently works at the Department of Nanometrology, National Measurement Institute. Dr Coleman does research in Nanometrology and Materials Physics. She received her PhD in 2006 from Professor Jagadish’s group at the
ANU on defect engineering in ZnO. After a post-doc at Uppsala University
on magnetic doping of ZnO for potential applications in spintronics, Dr
Coleman returned to Australia in 2008 to commence work in the then newly
established Nanometrology group at NMI. She is now the leader of that team,
and is particularly interested in the development of accurate and comparable
measurement techniques for the characterisation of nanomaterials. She
currently serves as the Chair of the Asia Pacific Metrology Programme’s
Technical Committee for Materials Metrology, and is also the current Chair
of the Australian Institute of Physics’ Women in Physics group (soon to be Diversity and Equity
Group in Australian Physics). Aside from metrology, Dr Coleman enjoys hiking and has a new found
love of the ukulele.

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