
Yuerui Lu

Yuerui (Larry) Lu received his Ph.D. degree from Cornell University, the school of Electrical and Computer Engineering, in 2012. He holds a B.S. degree from department of Applied Physics at University of Science and Technology of China. In 2013, he joined the Australian National University as a research fellow and lecturer under the Future Engineering Research Leadership Fellowship. He is now a full professor at the ANU. He is a chief investigator and program manager at the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology (CQC2T). His research interests include 2D quantum materials and optoelectronic devices, MEMS sensors and actuators, biomedical and energy devices, etc. He has published 2 books (as editor), 7 book chapters, and more than 100 papers in high-impact journals, including Nature, Science, Nature Physics, Nature Communications, etc. He is serving as a reviewer for many top-tier journals, including Nature, Science, Nature Materials, Nature Photonics, Nature Communications, etc. He is serving as an associate editor for the nature publishing group journal Scientific Reports.

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