TAG: optics

TMOS PhD student Shaban Sulejman awarded the prestigious SPIE Optics and Photonics Education Scholarship

Shaban Sulejman has been awarded a 2023 Optics and Photonics Education Scholarship by SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics, for his potential contributions to the field of optics, [...]


Optics meets optimism: Physics Nobel Laureate Professor Donna Strickland on lasers and life

Professor Donna Strickland is the 2018 Nobel Prize Winner for her role in creating the “laser hammer” in the 1980’s, which is the scientific basis for the technology that allows the ultra-precis [...]


A quantum of physicists to take over the Murray Bridge

Some of the brightest minds in the international physics community will be descending on the Murray Bridge this Wednesday as the Bridgeport Hotel hosts Meta Together, the first annual conference of TM [...]


Bringing physics to Rose Park Primary School

Some of the brightest minds in the physics community are coming to South Australia next week for the first annual conference of TMOS, the ARC Centre of Excellence for Transformative Meta-Optical Syste [...]


Seminar Summary: Software Defined Optics

Prof. Arka Majumdar is an Associate Professor in the departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Physics at the University of Washington. He received his bachelor’s from IIT-Kharagpur (20 [...]


Seminar Summary: Shaping the Future of Biomedical Imaging

Prof. Kishan Dholakia, from the University of St Andrews, runs a vibrant, international group exploring advanced optical beam shaping for biomedicine, precision measurement and optical manipulation. H [...]


Light People: Professor Chennupati Jagadish

Biography: Prof. Jagadish is a Distinguished Professor of the Australian National University. He is serving as Editor-in-Chief (EIC) of Applied Physics Reviews and also served as EIC of Progress in Q [...]
