TAG: physics

A quantum of physicists to take over the Murray Bridge

Some of the brightest minds in the international physics community will be descending on the Murray Bridge this Wednesday as the Bridgeport Hotel hosts Meta Together, the first annual conference of TM [...]


Bringing physics to Rose Park Primary School

Some of the brightest minds in the physics community are coming to South Australia next week for the first annual conference of TMOS, the ARC Centre of Excellence for Transformative Meta-Optical Syste [...]


Following your call builds success

Now based at the University of Technology in Sydney, Francesca has moved continent regularly throughout her life and career. She was born in Italy, lived with her family in Brazil and France, and sin [...]


Seeing the invisible

Professor Ann Roberts’ research goal in TMOS sounds like a magic spell from Harry Potter. “I want to see invisible things,” says the Leader of the Detection Theme within TMOS. While it is i [...]


National Science Week 2020

National Science Week is Australia’s science celebration that has been running each year since 1997. Due to the pandemic, many events have shifted online, and this year TMOS’s event is no exceptio [...]
