TAG: quantum

Breakthrough set to push AI and quantum technologies even further.

"Move over electrons, photons are taking the lead! Researchers at TMOS have cracked the code to on-chip light sources, turbocharging processors with near-lightspeed communication, quantum computing mu [...]


Quantum photonic technologies set to be more reliable with new interferometer.

An increasing number of emerging quantum applications operate using optical technologies. Currently, quantum photon sources are regularly taken offline to be tested and adjusted using an interferomete [...]


A new breakthrough in quantum light sources could make hacking a thing of the past.

Physicists working in the new field of meta-optics have made a breakthrough in the generation of polarization-entangled photon pairs that could allow quantum key distribution, a highly secure form of [...]


Move over diamond. hBN is quantum’s new best friend.

Diamond has long been the go-to material for quantum sensing due to its coherent nitrogen-vacancy centres, controllable spin, sensitivity to magnetic fields, and ability to be used at room temperature [...]


$6 Billion future of the quantum industry is enabled by home-grown meta-optics

Quantum technology is hitting the headlines around Australia as the government develops its first national quantum strategy to realise its $6 billion opportunity. [...]


Spooky but tiny: grating boosts nanostructured quantum light source

A key element for future quantum technology is a step closer with the unveiling of a tiny quantum light source, less than one hundredth the diameter of a hair thick. [...]


Generating entangled photons with nonlinear metasurfaces

 A new method for generating quantum-entangled photon pairs employs nonlinear metasurfaces to enhance and tailor photon emissions—an important step towards creating miniaturized quantum devices for [...]


Can a piece of scotch tape stop computer hackers in their tracks? New steps toward quantum communications says ‘yes’.

Researchers from the University of Technology Sydney and TMOS, an Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence, have taken the fight to online hackers with a giant leap towards realizing affordabl [...]


Following your call builds success

Now based at the University of Technology in Sydney, Francesca has moved continent regularly throughout her life and career. She was born in Italy, lived with her family in Brazil and France, and sin [...]


Study puts spin into quantum technologies

A team of international scientists investigating how to control the spin of atom-like impurities in 2D materials have observed the dependence of the atom’s energy on an external magnetic field for t [...]
