Category: Media Release

Australian Government invests in next generation of optics for Industry 4.0

The Australian Research Council (ARC) has awarded $34.9 million dollars to the formation of a new Centre of Excellence dedicated to the development of optical technologies.TMOS, the ARC Centre of [...]


TMOS Annual Report 2021 – Building the foundations for success

2021 marked the first full year of operations for the Centre. As you might imagine, our focus was on building the right team, refining our strategies, and developing policies and procedures to guide u [...]


Seminar Summary: Nanowire-based devices for THz polarimetry

Over the past few decades THz time domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) has revolutionized spectroscopy and imaging in this rich region of the electromagnetic spectrum.[1]  THz-TDS directly measures electri [...]


Seminar Summary: Software Defined Optics

Prof. Arka Majumdar is an Associate Professor in the departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Physics at the University of Washington. He received his bachelor’s from IIT-Kharagpur (20 [...]


TMOS Chief Investigator Jagadish announced as the next President of the Australian Academy of Science

TMOS Chief Investigator and Australian National University Distinguished Professor Chennupati Jagadish will become the next President of the Australian Academy of Science (AAS). He is the first Aus [...]


New exchange opportunity for TMOS students

The German Research Foundation (DFG) and ANU have announced a joint International Research Training Group IRTG 2675 Tailored Metasurfaces – Generating, Programming and Detecting Light (META‐ACTIV [...]


Seminar Summary: Shaping the Future of Biomedical Imaging

Prof. Kishan Dholakia, from the University of St Andrews, runs a vibrant, international group exploring advanced optical beam shaping for biomedicine, precision measurement and optical manipulation. H [...]


TMOS Establishment Report – where we’ve come from and where we’re going

2020 was not a year anyone will forget soon. In addition to the pandemic, which had significant impact on the education sector as international students were locked out of the country, Australia also [...]


The biggest research influencers of 2020

Every year Clarivate Web of ScienceTM announces its list of highly cited researchers, selected from all published researchers during the ten-year period January 2009 to December 2019. [...]


TMOS aims to bring diversity and equity to nano and micro-optics

Enchanted by sciences since he was in high school, Ken Crozier hopes that the ARC Centre of Excellence TMOS (Transformative Meta-Optical Systems) will inspire the next generation of researchers, and e [...]
